It’s Time to Make Texting Better & Safer

Ohio, It’s Time to ACT

Every year, Americans exchange trillions of text messages, many of which are via SMS, a 30-year-old messaging standard.
The Safer Texting Act outlines basic requirements for texting that will make all mobile users safer:
SMS texting lacks basic security protections such as encryption and does not support common messaging features such as high-quality photo exchange, read receipts, or typing indicators.
  • Encrypting Messages
  • Preserving Photo & Video Quality
  • Implementing Read Receipts &
Typing Indicators

Act Now to Upgrade Texting

Ohio legislators are actively working on a bill that would prevent tech companies from downgrading your text messages. Let them know that you support better and safer texting. Fill out the below form and your email will be automatically matched and sent to your State Representative and State Senator.
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Mobile Safety Facts

of Americans text.
are victims of SMS Phishing scams every year.
Losses are attributed to SMs Phishing scams in 2023.
SMS Phishing is the most common form of mobile-based phishing.
Pew Research, Federal Communications Commission, 2023